By Emmanuel Sobilika
Malawi’s Justice and Constitutional Affairs Minister Professor Peter Mutharika has left participants at a Human Rights Consultative Committee (HRCC) dialogue meeting stunned at his eloquence and wider knowledge on legal matters.
Professor Peter Mutharika, was the guest of honour at an HRCC Tuesday night event debating the abolition of the death penalty in Malawi.
The participants attending the meeting were over 60 Members of Parliament and over 40distinguished members of the civil society that included religious leaders, human rights activists and journalists.
In his 15 minute opening remarks before allowing debate to resume on the issue of death penalty, Professor Peter Mutharika eloquently lectured the over 100 people gathered in Capital Hotel’s Viphya Room on the different aspects of the death penalty.
Professor Mutharika who is younger brother to Malawi President Bingu wa Mutharika gave references on the issue of death penalty drawing comparison from many other countries world wide where the issue of death penalty features highly.
Professor Mutharika who did not read from a prepared speech appealed to the legislators and civil society members in Malawi to take the issue seriously so that at the end of the day a good overall decision is made on the matter.
“I don’t want to express my personal views here but rather just to provoke a debate that will help us come up with a better decision at the end of everything,” he said.
Professor Mutharika who one of Malawi’s highly educated lawyers draw comparisons in the issue of death penalty in Malawi to many other countries world wide.
Professor Mutharika asked participants attending the meeting to think carefully on the issue of death penalty before coming up with a final decision.
Mutharika said gave an example of people in his own Kamoto Village in the mountainous tea growing district of Thyolo where one has just killed a neighbour because of anger as a result of a land dispute.
“Can this man in Kamoto Village be charged the same way with a serial killer and those that kill for commercial purposes?” Mutharika paused the question to the bewilderment of the distinguished crowd.
A lot of the people got astonished with Mutharika’s vast knowledge on legal matters and how he was able to make comprehensive legal presentations without any paper references.
Mutharika who is normally a man of short words but more actions spiced up his English provocative speech with some Chichewa.
Following his eloquet speech, it was therefore no surprise that his predecessor in the Justice Ministry Henry Phoya told the gathering in his capacity as chairperson for Legal Affairs Committee of Parliament that; "I attended a meeting in Italy, Rome when I was warning up your seat as Justice Minister."
Everybody is the hotel room on this Tuesday night was convinced that Professor Peter Mutharika is one of the many good sons of the land that have a potential of making it high.
Professor Peter Mutharika, returned to Malawi a few years ago and joined the development of this country serving the Malawi government as the Chief Advisor to the President on Constitutional, Legal and International Affairs.
Professor Peter Mutharika has since joined politics as Member of Parliament for Thyolo North East and Malawi’s Justice and Constitutional Affairs Minister.
According to HRCC national coordinator Mavuto Bamusi, the organisation is trying to engage the public in a debate so that it’s able to come up with a better decision on the death penalty-Malawi Digest.
Prof. you are a good man who wishes good for your country.If they were others they could not have come from oversees to build Malawi.Agwireni dzanja achimwenewo,What a blessed family you have.Kodi A Muluzi munalibe azibale anu omakuuzani zochita?
ReplyDeleteI admire the President's brother. He has achieved alot in life. Congrants prof for the moving speech.
ReplyDeleteCoincidently, I attended last night's function at Capital Hotel. I totally agree with Malawi Digest that Prof Mutharika left many of us stunned with what he said.
ReplyDeleteHe shows that he is a man who has travelled world wide and read books that many of us will never read in our lives.
Munthunyu ngophunzira koopsa.
Munthu wina anafunsa kuti kodi a Muluzi analibe abale awo owawuza za nzeru? I don't think he had any. I believe in Muluzi's family, the highly educated as of now is his son, Atupele who has a degree I believe in commercial law.
ReplyDeleteAkakhala a Bakili eni akewo ndiye paja ndi a JC komanso anapanga za ukalipentala ku Nasawa Technical College ya MYP kumene anadziwana ndi mayi Annie Chidzira mayi ake a Atupele.
Mayi Annie Chidzira anali wa MYP ndipo a Muluzi ankafunsira junior wawo. Eeetu eeeH kudyera pensulo!
Koma ndiye anthu mumamudziwa Bakili Muluzi, mpaka info yonseyi?
ReplyDeleteKoma ndiye tcheya zamasiketi za azimayizi anayamba kale kwambiri.
Pro Mutharika has the leadership skills, I can sense that in him.
ReplyDeleteKeep it up prof
Bingu wa Mutharika's brother is slowly becoming powerful in Malawi, I don't see anything stopping him from following the foot steps of his brother.
ReplyDeleteJust wait, this man will be Malawi President come 2014.
I once talked to a mzungu who was lecturing with Pro Mutharika in the US and he confessed many whites in the US have high respect for the young Mutharika.
ReplyDeleteI wouldn't mind if he replaces his brother in 2014. He can transform Malawi.
Go prof go! show them that you can deliver!
ReplyDeleteI love your huge voice. It can make up good for State President in Malawi.
So even Henry Phoya agrees that he was warming up your seat, koma ndale abale!
ReplyDeleteThere are lawyers and lawyers and lawyers in this world, but from what I have heard about Prof Mutharika, he is not just a lawyer but a lawyer.
ReplyDeleteMuluzi may not have abale ophunzira koma had colleagues and friends who could advise him. Goodall Gondwe was his economic advisor. Koma baba aja kusamva. He was simply simply ignorant of the fact that he is ignorant. One of the intelligent things intelligent people know is that they dont know everything and therefore need others to help them. Koma how many advised Muluzi against open terms? How many did he listen to? How many advised Muluzi against third term? How many did he listen to? How many advised Mulzi against fighting the incumbent president? How many did he listen to? How many advised Muluzi against bouncing back in 2009? How many did he listen? Chosamva anachiphikira mmasamba.
ReplyDeleteI am happy to hear this report on Prof. Mutharika. This Mutharika family is a blessing to Malawi. We need people like Prof to continue what his brother has started. I see a successor of DPP leadership already in the Prof. Congrats prof, you make all of us proud.
ReplyDeleteThanks Professor for coming back home. We need you more here in Malawi after you served those whites well. you are a shining example on Malawi. Keep educating us.
ReplyDeleteProf. Mutharika should be the next president of Malawi. i don't understand how others think that Joyce Banda can lead us. akuchepela kaba. We can not go back to leaders with just one degree. Mutharika set the example, and from now on, we need Dr, Profs to lead us. besides, Prof. Mutharika has vast experience and knowledge and good network as well. Prof. Mutharika Boma 2014
ReplyDeletezopanga replace binguzo ndiye ayi.
ReplyDeleteChina nchina a Malawi Digest mwamuchekenira Pro Peter Mutharika. Anthu ine mumadziwa kulemba kaya ndi propaganda ndiye mumaitha ya clean. Komabe from what I have heard about this man prof, he deserves all the colouring.
ReplyDeleteKeep on the good job digest.
He is a Malawian with all the right qualifications for a president in Malawi. What should stop him?
ReplyDeleteProf, if the DPP asks you to stand, please gladly accept.
If Malawians and DPP want continuity with what Bingu has started, the only person to do that is Prof. Mutharika. Inu a Malawi, you should never lose wometameta. DO you think being a Prof in America ndi masewera eti? You talk of Joyce Banda, don't be fooled - she cant develop this country. We have already seen how she is beginning to strategise for 2014, but unless we want to fall, then we should be talking of JB as the next president. We need the Prof and we say no to JB.
ReplyDeleteI totally agree that PRof should be the next president. I don't think we can go wrong, if anything, we will keep forward. Prof, please, if you read this, please consider running in 2014. I want to be your Campaign Strategist
ReplyDeleteI agree that if the DPP wants to win in 2014, they should be looking at this highly educated man who has spent years in the collidors of education.
ReplyDeleteJoyce Banda zake ndi za azimayi.
By the way, I hear Joyce Banda was supporting some independent candidates in the just concluded by-elections? What was her motive.
Mayi ameneyu ativutatu ndiye bola Chilumpha yemwe uja.
Koma ndiye kwawilira chifukwa cha kupuma kwa Ngwazi 2014, kukhala nkhondo ya mipaliro mu utsogoleri wa DPP. If I was given a chance to choose, I would go for the best educated of the two. Your guess is as good as mine.
ReplyDeleteGuys this is not a one family show, Prof might be intelligent etc, but in DPP there are anthu ena ochita boo, nzeru wise and gere wise, let other pple take over leading Malawi not the Muthalika's. If u want to see the downfall of DPP the let ur prof be the pres candidate 2014,
ReplyDeleteHahahahaha, Malawi my country, 2014 will be full of drama, I could see the opposition taking the presidency, I can see a grand united opposistion or a DPP breakaway being formed if DPP chosen Prof Peter Muthalika as their presidential candidate. But if DPP decides to pick somebody osati Prof PM, then DPP will continue to rule.
ReplyDeleteAll said and done... The professor is intelligent yes let him make the contribution to the nation in his capacity as Minister of Justice.... About the next president 2014... Well its a long time from now.... and a lot will happen between now and then. Lets not get consumed with who will be the next president, we are only 4 months into this second term of Bingu... and the best is to focus on what we can do now to shape our future. For instance the article above is talking about Death penalty which is an issue worth discussing and affecting us now and yet nobody commented anything on it..... Malawians lets now focus on real issues,, leaders will come and go but if we don't contribute anything to our own state of affairs then we are hopeless. I agree with you Peter is a brilliant son of Malawi but.. alone he can not achieve much, but if we hold hands with him we can achieve alot just like the Chinese have done. Good day everyone
ReplyDeleteLet capable people lead DPP in 2014. If the Presidents brother is capable, why not? Are we fair really? Ndine Nachikumbwi
ReplyDeleteWhy not indeed. As a qualifed and able Malawian, he can stand for presidency in 2014. The fact that he is the Preident's brother is of no consequence.
ReplyDeleteThe fact is, it is not a blood thing to lead Malawi.You can't assure me that,that is the only competent family in Malawi.the are big brains beter than pro Muthalika.The search is still on for the next president and I believe that we will not hope for family take-overs.Si Ufumu NO! NO!
ReplyDeleteOf course Peter is very educated but it does not mean he should be imposed for the mpando onona tikufuna convention kuti adzitilamulira anthu amene tikuwafuna osati ongolozedwa.
ReplyDeleteWho else from DPP would replace Bingu? Kapena a Dausi! honestly, DPP needs to be careful in choosing the next presidential candidate, Tembo akubweransotu! I would advice DPP to start selling this next Mutharika, He seems to know his game, Amalawi Nsanje tiziike kaye apoo! and look for people who can develop the lives of azigogo athu kumudzi! ndale za mzigawo ayi chondeeee eish!
ReplyDeleteProfessor yemweyo kuti waha waha
ReplyDeleteKomatu anthu astijaire choncho ayi. Bingu is good , fine but this is not a dynasty. next time u will hear it will be mada Mutharika. No we need someone
ReplyDeleteLets think deep about this before finally chosing him to be the next president.Honestly, he could be that good,but he should not come hiding in the name of development while extending the family interests left by his brother.Let it be open to everyone as oppossed to what DPP is doing now.
ReplyDeleteBwana Prof. Peter Mutharika is just too good
ReplyDeleteI just like this Prof. He is a man of vision and his Hon. is just too good for malawi's economy. we need him for continued peace and progress in this country. Pro. Woyee!! DPP Woyee!!
ReplyDeleteI also have witnessed a meeting that the fomer Deputy Minister of Finance Hon. Charles Mchacha had a very good meeting with members of the DPP Party and over 1500 people attended this meeting at his house in Bvumbwe, and they all praised the idea of the succession plan of the Prof. Peter's take over from the Prof. Bingu. It is my plea to Hon Charles Mchacha, please keep it up and lets all Malawians join hands in this campaign. DPP Woyee!! 2014 Prof. Peter Mutharika Woyee!!