By Emmanuel Sobilika
Staff for one of Malawi’s leading commercial banks, National Bank of Malawi Limited return to work this Monday morning with uncertainty following the sacking of the bank’s General Manager Augustine Chithenga, Malawi Digest can reveal.
Chithenga, a highly qualified banker with at least three post graduate degrees biased in economics was sacked on Friday by the company’s Chief Executive George Partridge on what insiders described as personal vendetta.
Sources for Malawi Digest at National Bank say that since Partridge took charge of the organisation as Chief Executive, members of staff live in fear because of his altitude towards staff.
As a result, the company is losing a lot of its highly qualified employees to other commercial banks including Standard Bank, Inde Bank, Malawi Savings Bank and the NBS Bank among many other organisations.
Our sources say that Partridge always feels insecure with highly qualified people below him fearing they may take over his position.
“For example, when he was General Manager, Partridge did not allow Chithenga to exercise his powers freely as GM. Instead, he was often times sent to represent the bank at funeral and at donation functions in hospitals and orphanages,” said our source.
The source said that many of the members of staff for the bank sympathised with Chithenga but they had no where to complain since Partridge is one of the most ‘trusted boys’ for the bank’s board chairman Matthews Chikaonda.
According to information gathered from the bank, Augustine C.E. Chithenga has a BSc degree, a degree in Economics, an MBA and most recently got an ACCA and he is also a member of the Institute for Bankers.
Staff for one of Malawi’s leading commercial banks, National Bank of Malawi Limited return to work this Monday morning with uncertainty following the sacking of the bank’s General Manager Augustine Chithenga, Malawi Digest can reveal.
Chithenga, a highly qualified banker with at least three post graduate degrees biased in economics was sacked on Friday by the company’s Chief Executive George Partridge on what insiders described as personal vendetta.
Sources for Malawi Digest at National Bank say that since Partridge took charge of the organisation as Chief Executive, members of staff live in fear because of his altitude towards staff.
As a result, the company is losing a lot of its highly qualified employees to other commercial banks including Standard Bank, Inde Bank, Malawi Savings Bank and the NBS Bank among many other organisations.
Our sources say that Partridge always feels insecure with highly qualified people below him fearing they may take over his position.
“For example, when he was General Manager, Partridge did not allow Chithenga to exercise his powers freely as GM. Instead, he was often times sent to represent the bank at funeral and at donation functions in hospitals and orphanages,” said our source.
The source said that many of the members of staff for the bank sympathised with Chithenga but they had no where to complain since Partridge is one of the most ‘trusted boys’ for the bank’s board chairman Matthews Chikaonda.
According to information gathered from the bank, Augustine C.E. Chithenga has a BSc degree, a degree in Economics, an MBA and most recently got an ACCA and he is also a member of the Institute for Bankers.
According to senior members of staff at National Bank, Partridge has grown wings such that he is untouchable.
“Anyone who complains about Partridge is either sacked or suspended. People are living in fear at National Bank,” said one of our many sources at National Bank.
Our sources say that Partridge has a fear of the unknown.
Information from the bank indicate that Chithenga was set to take over from Partridge when his contract expires because apart from Chikaonda, most of the bank’s board of directors are not happy with the approach taking by Partridge in ill-treating employees.
Skeletons of George Partridge
National Bank of Malawi Chief Executive Officer George Partridge who on Friday sacked his General Manager is a man who has no clean record at all in as far as banking work is concerned.
Information gathered by Malawi Digest from the bank’s top management indicate that Partridge has a serious problem with his zip as he sleeps around a lot irresponsibly.
Our sources say that to make matters worse, Partridge, likes having sexual relationships with his members of staff at National Bank.
For example, he is currently dating three women (names withheld) who are middle managers and one of them is a branch manager.
These are just but a few of National Bank employees that have seen the nakedness of the George Partridge the NB CEO.
Apart from these women, Partridge is also dating a wife to a newly elected Member of Parliament (name withheld) from the Southern Region.
Our sources indicate that when he was Head of Treasury and General Manager for the bank, Partridge was busy dating his junior officer (name withheld) who was working as a dealer in the bank.
This extra marital affair by Partridge resulted in the pregnancy of the NB member of staff who was then having a house rented for her by Partridge in Chinyonga Township, Blantyre.
When the love affair between George Partridge and his junior officer became known to his legally married wife, Mrs Partridge invaded the woman’s house in Chinyonga Township with rough necks destroying property worth millions of Kwachas.
However, the property was replaced by Partridge within weeks and he kept on running and oiling the secret love affair.
When Partridge’s bastard child was born, the woman left the country for the United Kingdom where she is staying up until now.
However, George Partridge acknowledged fathering a baby outside his matrimonial home and took the child to his house where he is being brought up by his step mum.
The Partridges stay in the low density area of Kabula in Blantyre and George Partridge hails from Lunzu, Blantyre.
Meanwhile, apart from having sex with his junior bank employees, George Partridge facilitated the sacking of some of the country’s highly qualified bankers.
The victims of Partridge’s personal vendetta include Andy Kulugomba, Jimmy Kayuni, Thom Mpinganjira and the late Paul Chakhumbira.
As if this was a blessing in disguise when Partridge facilitated the sacking of the above mentioned esteemed bankers, some of them have excelled in their new organisations of employment.
Andy Kulugomba is the Chief Executive Officer for Nedbank whilst Thom Mpinganjira owns a local commercial bank, the First Discount Bank.
Although all these stories have been reported to Matthews Chikaonda the board chairperson, he does completely nothing as George Partridge is his ‘trusted boy’.
National Bank of Malawi was listed on the Malawi Stock Exchange on 21st August, 2000 with a total of 450,000,000 ordinary shares.
Press Corporation Limited is the largest shareholder with 51.73 percent hence Chikaonda becoming the bank’s board chairperson by virtue of him being the Chief Executive Officer for Press Corporation – Malawi Digest.
I thought this is a well researched piece of work. If what Malawi Digest has written is true, then Partridge doesnt deserve to be in high position like that of CEO. Kunjaku kwaopsa a Partridge please lead by example.
ReplyDeleteKodi ku Malawiko mmene ndinkachoka kunali sewelo la Tikuferanji, a Partridge amawonera seweroli?
ReplyDeleteSad, sad.
Whether Partridge is busy abusing women at National Bank sexually or not, I believe this is personal. Musiyeni munthu amele mnofu wa bakha. Mzanu asanjoye? Nsanje bwanji?
ReplyDeleteIt is my prayer and hope that this new MP's wife being enjoyed by Partridge is not wife to nearly elected Balaka South, Hon.George Nnesa. Is Balaka in southern region, Malawi Digest tatimasuleni ngati ali mkazi wa Nnesayo. I know for sure Nnesa's wife Annie Magola works at National Bank ndiye poti mkuluyu Partridge likes eating from within, she may be one. Koma matenda a Nkungula achuluka ku Malawi.
ReplyDeleteLet Nyasa Times report this as well osamangodana ndi alomwe okha ayi.
ReplyDeletewHEN DOOR CLOSES THE OTHER OPEN!!!!! in everything we should be thankful
ReplyDeleteAbale mwanena zoona. Nyasatimes ichitenso report za nkhaniyi. Just because Partridge is not Lhomwe they have remained silent.
ReplyDeleteMalawi Digest, you have made my day. Kumufukula George Partridge kusowa pobisala.
ReplyDeleteImeneyi ndiye timati investigative reporting. We love you. Keep us posted if he is eventually sacked like Nkungula.
Ife timangoti, God forgive us and amen! Partrige akusangalala lero koma akadzayamba kudwala kunvetsa chisoni.
ReplyDeleteNawo azimayi anyanya akungoyenda atavula basi, ready for any attack from the Partridges of this world.
For the sake of my knowledge, is George Partridge in anyway related to the famous Nkungula? Please ndichitseni malodza I want to know.
ReplyDeleteNo they are not related. Of course Patridge comes from Lunzu and the Nkungula guy comes from Chileka area.
ReplyDeleteThe only similarity between the two of them is that they have the same behaviour, they love women like nobody business. But the tow are not related by blood but they both come from Blantyre and worked in banking business, Nkungula at Malswitch and Partridge National Bank.
Too bad, really too bad. I feel sorry for the hardworking wife who even went back to school showing how capable she is. A very nice KA lady, well behaved. Ma kaladi si anthu!!!
ReplyDeletewhat about the single parent Chirisse Phiri who is a secretary in the same division has been his cconcubine for more than 4 years,Mrs Partridge ndiopirira kwambiri Magalimoto okongola onsewo kumathera ku soche east house # 293
ReplyDeleteamadzipatsa ma bonus aakulu kuntchito kupondereza ana ameneyo
ReplyDeletepanya panu malawidigest. inu ndiye mwanyanya bwanji.
ReplyDeleteA Malawi nsanje. It is very sad kuti ku Malawi anthu sali constructive. No wonder development is serously slowed down.Learn to mind your own business.
Jijo wawonjeza koma bola anakangokhala kumanyenga azikaziwo osati kukhomelela ma employees aku bankiyi. I understand kuti amalandila bonus 17 million chaka ndi chaka while ma staff ena salandila bonus ku banki yomweyi. Kodi si corporate fraud imeneyi. You mean that iyeyu alandile makobili ankhaninkhani wa ena osalandila.
ReplyDeleteA Pati mumayitha tinamva kuti mutathana ndi nkazi wa a MP aku South munankweza kuchokela kukhala ofisala mpaka ku Juniour manager pano mwa wapasa u senior manager. ma promotion onsewa within 2 years, sizichitikatu mu banki zimenezi. umayitha Pati
ReplyDeleteIfe tingoti amen. Koma mazipiwa azibambo, tisamale. Go on Partridge, screw the women!
ReplyDeleteHa ha ha. You dont encourage mkaladi ngati Pat to be screwing women. Do you want him to die? Nanga Chikaondayu nayenso sakufufuza nkhani za Pat bwanji? Is Chikaonda also a screweee?
ReplyDeleteMalawi Digest, please give us serious stories of national importance and not nkhani za chigololo cha Chief Executive wa National Bank. We need better stories.
ReplyDeleteChindebvu, Leeds UK.
National Bank is a private/public company and devoid of Govt influence. However, sacking a senior official in any organisation should be the domain of the Board of Directors and not the CEO alone.
ReplyDeleteSuch procedures are used to ensure fairness to staff of organisations.
Please write and report professionally. The gosip that you provide to people is on the extreme side of it all and PEOPLE WILL STOP BELIEVING IN WHAT YOU WRITE. I respect George Patridge and he is a human being like anyone else. Ndani mamuna sachinda akazi atenge mwala akamugende George. We all have our stories. STOP THE GOSIP CAUSE THIS WILL END UP TINTING THE SIDE OF THE COLOR YOU ARE FOR.
ReplyDeleteI have never heard of George's bad stories in public since i new his existence in the banking area for the past ten years. This only demonstrates that your stories are what in statistical language call and i quote "OUTLIERS". Whatever George does is decided by the Board of which Chikaonda is the chair. Don't report childishly. He is a family man and he needs respect. I am a man too and i feel your news or updates are aimed at destroying the professionals.
ReplyDeleteNational Bank of Malawi has alot of custormers. I hope you are not trying to scare them away to move to other banks. In both banking and economics, there is a belief that the stability of an institution determines the trust that people have in it. Similarly, at national level if there is peace then there is an ensuarance on the strength of the currency of the economy e.g. the global crisis vis-a-vis the dollar and the pound. The small things that you report on the economy will add up to show the disadvantages to investors who are interested to come to Malawi. Be careful in what you report. In directly you are destroying what the president want and his vision for a future Malawi. I do agree with the comment on Malawi being second to Botswana on being peaciful. But do we want to destroy that based on personal hatred? The country has been at peace for ages. Even during the second world war i never heard of countries fighting in Malawi rather soldiers from Malawi went out to support others. Lets not destroy that motto. Please.
ReplyDeleteI agree lets not destroy that motto but other people especially those entrusted with jobs like CEOs must learn to behave responsibly in such high positions and be able to respect othe peopls family values by sleeping with other peoples wives and the only wrong thing is for the husbands to let their wives work innocently in the bank.
ReplyDeleteYes Partridge is a family man who has a private life but he can only be so if he behaves responsibly. He must realised that whatever he does has a bearing on the country and that is why the Reserve Bank of Malawi sacked Nkungula from Malswitch.
Though what he did was in his private life, that had a bearing on the image of the Reserve Bank of Malawi and its baby Malswitch. So whatever Mr Partridge does in his private life, he must realise that it has got an effect in his job.
Otherwise, let's all protect the image of mother Malawi but people must not behave irresponsibly hidding behind the peaceful Malawi.
Please you are not telling us why Augustine Chithenga was sucked!!! So your story is not balancing at all. The wife of MP nde kaya first it was Blessings that was ditched because of the MP and now here comes the MP your time to dance to her Dirty tricks. We heard the lady is being encouraged by her father who like chuma more than anything else!!! Koma Muyaluka chaka chino!!!
ReplyDeleteMalawi Digest - I do not like your reporting and I do not trust your sources. How can you attribute the leaving of employ of people like late Paul Chakhumbila and Thom Mpinganjira to the handiwork of Partridge when at that time Partridge was not a name on the bank's hierarchy. You have sensationalized your story to bring sex into it so that it appears big. In the process you have hurt so many ladies working for the bank perhaps even those that are working for big organizations elsewhere. Are you sure ladies can not work side by side with Partridge or any other CEO without remaining just professional colleagues. Pepani the world is not what you are saying. Some of us wanted to know the reasons behind Chinthenga leaving the bank and your story does not mention that. I know Chithenga personally and I was saddened by the news that he is moving. I pray and am confident that as a professional banker he shall pick up a good job soon. What I am avoiding is to rush to conclusions and starting blaming people around him and became the drycleaner. In a set up like the national bank the leaving of a General Manager is surely too big an affair for one man- I believe the Board has a say in such matters after all they are known to have a say in lesser matters than this.
ReplyDeleteAm not sure if your sources on some of the scenarios mentioned in your story can be trusted. Employees of the bank like in many organization are always putting knives in the back of each other and jostling for advantage positions and depending on their position have varied opinions of their bosses or top management. Not all CEO's (together with the board) are liked by people below them especially where CEO's are always demanding certain level of performance more so those that cannot make the grade. If you happen to quote such employees expect to hear so many things some of which may not be true. Are they able to prove that Partridge was involved in the case of late Paul Chakhumbira leaving NB. Pepani lets learn to truthful.
I would expect Malawi Digest to take a leading role in discussions that are core to the development of the nation. Should you not be a forum of brainstorming major issues of our nation? Certainly I would have like to see that MalawiD becomes a think tank in finding solutions to some of the challenges facing the country.ie solutions to forex shortages, high transport costs, tourism, education, health, etc.
I find it difficult when people stand on the podium and accuse others of immorality. Who can claim to be a saint? Our good Lord Jesus challenged the accusers of the prostitute to stone the woman if they were clean and none did it. I would have applauded the author if he had concentrated on professional issues not personal. It seems this is a personal vendetta by some Patridge hater which throws in question the other allegations as well.
ReplyDeleteWhen Nkungula was caught in his sex scandals, people said alot of things others for him and others against. That is life. In this story, I am with Malawi Digest because this reporter only did a job to report what has happened at one of Malawi's most reliable banks, National Bank of Malawi. There is no question of throwing stone or not. Should journalists fail to report that Malawians are drinking excessively just because they may be blamed themselves for drinking.
ReplyDeleteDo you want all of us to be following the poor thinking of one former MP in the Bakili Muluzi era who said, "there is no point to blame government for corruption afterall we are all corrupt." is this what we want.
We know all of us have sex and may be at one point with somebody's partiner but if what has been written about Mr Partridge happens to be true then something is wrong.
Yes, none of us can cast a stone on Partridge but the fact that he is entrusted with the job of leading one of our main banks, he has a responsibility to assure us that he is leading a life expected out of that high office.
If you find a cabinet minister drinking and dancing irresponsibly at Kamba or at Bwandilo, or even beating up his wife, would you not condemn that. Would you say afterall all of us drink and dance irresponsibly at Kamba or afterall all of us once in a while slap our wives this let it be.
My thinking is a big No! Let Partridge be taken to task with his scandals if they are true.
We need leaders who are mature, clean and responsible in their works and deeds.
I am not surprised with Mr. Patridge's immoral behaviour because he started this long time ago. When Mr Patridge passed his ACCA exam, he quickly dumped his first wife for a new one. Obviously, this shows a man with poor judgement and can not be trusted. As a result, Patridge is not even fit to be a CEO of such a big and important organization.
ReplyDeleteNow the plot has completely been lost for those of us who know Patridge. Shame on you! Now you completely got it wrong actually it is Chitenga who dumped a wife
ReplyDeleteIf you know Partridge so well, does he have a child at his Kabula house who is not of the real Mrs Partridge? From where is that child from? Did Mrs Partridge at one point go to Chinyonga and fought a war there with a National Bank employee?
ReplyDeleteIs it correct that this employee is now in the UK? If you confirm or denay these questions we will trust you that you truly know Mr Partridge. Don't just defend people for the sake of defending. If he has don't something wrong or stupid, he must be told so!
Women at national bank what is your problem? mukumapita ku ntchito opanda ma pant? Mukuyalutsa mabanja anu. Patrigde kunjaku kunali anzako lero alikuti? God does not bless people who use power to destroy other people marriages. Just like chithenga you will not be ther forever. Be satisfied with your karonga woman.
ReplyDeletenkhani ili apa a malawi anzanga ndi yoti this digest thing,run and funded by mulakho mwanamveka,knows that patridge is a serious candidate for the rbm governor's position,hence this desperate attempt to tarnish his image...eh,koma pa malawi tinyenyananyenyana...!
ReplyDeleteWhat a load of rubbish! You should be ashamed to call yourself journalists. You call this garbage news?!
ReplyDeleteIt is a shame to a man like him but you were supposed to talk to him privatly that is if you want to help him.
ReplyDeleteNsanje yachukuka pa Malawi. Decision yochotsedwa munthu wamkulu ngati GM si ya munthu m'modzi ayi. Akulu-akuluwo anakhalirana pansi ndikukambilana. Mwinanso nkhani zonsezi akulemba ndi wochotsedwayo chifukwa chiani sakunena mabvuto amene amakumana nawo. Nkhani zi bwanji sizinayambe zatulukapo pa neti pa, koma chifukwa choti munthu wina contract sanachite renew. Pemphelani kosalekeza kuti mungalowe nkuyetsedwa. Muzinena chatsitsa zaye kuti njobvu ithyoke m'nyanga.
ReplyDeleteno matter how you harlots and bafoons defend this stupid ceo, the world has known what type of man he is. His days are numbered too. We cant tolerate national bank to be a brothel. kukulira ku lunzu kwa ma hule eti. To Augustine please revisit your life,sometimes you are too proud of yourself.
ReplyDeleteMasiku a munthu wina aliyense ali numbered pa ntchito, padziko komanso. Ndani amene ali permanent pena pali ponse. Ngakhale upite ku mortuary, umakhalako temporary, kenako umakayikidwa ku manda. We are not defending CEO wanuyo olo pang'ono, koma nkhani yeni yeni ndi yoti kodi contract yo sinachitidwe renew chifukwa chiani? Komanso, maphunziro utha kukhala nawo chifukwa choti umaloweza mkalasi olo kubela kumene. Akati analyse zinthu izi, goo. Fotokoza zinthu izi kuti anthunso agome nawe, go. Ndiye ife ndife ndani kumangokamba m'mene tayambila, zioneka zokha.
ReplyDeleteUbve onunkha uthe ku national bank. No wonder kuli azimayi omwa mowa moyaluka.
ReplyDeleteseriously i dnt agree with this.za azimaizo myt b e so true koma as someone said i guess Goerge cnt make those decisions on his own.firing somebody is not an easy job and it involves alot of pipo.sanali yekha popanga decision so dnt put the blame on him.vuto la a a malawi ndife ansanje,kaduka,we dont want to see nzathu akuchita bwino...............enafe sitinakhale CEO,lets just accept dat fact and if God allows,tizakhala.
ReplyDeleteI feel Chithenga ndi amene ali woipa and why not telling us why he has been ditched. He left his educated wife and took a low class hotel girl called Emma a mere receptionists.
ReplyDeleteAmalawi ndi a nsanje. We are not happy if someone progresses. I know both guys very well and it saddens me that Augustine has lost a job - very painful when the bank is making billions of Kwacha in profits and Augustine ought to be congratulated for being part of that winning team rather than being fired. Lets us not sensationalise this painful episode by pandering to half-truths and outright falsehood. GM is a very senior position that cannot be decided by one man. The whole board is to blame for this including Dr Chikaonda. Dr Chikaonda is fully aware of what is going on and can not be a savior/investigator of or for anybody. Some of qualifications imputed to Augustine are George's. They are both highly qualified individuals with long and distinguised careers. It is not a question of George fearing unknown. Nevertheless I wish Augustine the best of life as the saying goes when one door closes another opens. He needs to focus on the open door and leave the closed door behind. He is a Banking professional of good reputation and shall not stay idle for long. God bless him.
ReplyDeleteCorrection. Mr Chinthenga never left his first wife. The wife left him when he was abroad studying his MBA. She got married to someone else and had a baby in his absence. So what can any normal man do in that painful situation? Stop the lies please. You are tarnishing the reputation of good people here.
ReplyDeleteNow Mr. Chithenga is a good person because his wife left him when he was abroad, and you want to tarnish the ceo because Chithenga has his cotnract not renewed. Anthunu muwone kaye chimene chatsitsa dzaye kuti njobvu ithyoke mnyanga. Ndangodutsamo sindinathyole mnkhwani. Gule kwawo tsopano, tionepo development ya dziko.
ReplyDeleteThis site should not be used as a gossip point or information based on heresay. Its should be a source of factual information to keep people better informed. On this story, though i do find it sad that bwana's out of their own insecurity of their juniors act out in such a manner. Bwana's are supposed to be mentors, people who build potential successors or potential leaders and not to break people down. However we can all stand on the word of God that says 'in all things God works for good for those who love him and are called according to his purpose.' as evidenced in the above story
ReplyDeleteMy advise to Mr Pat, please know that women can destroy your reputation. if you want to have a girlfriend, why cant you have a decent, trusted, who wont yalusa you. if you are unable to control yourself at least have one girlfriend outside your office. taonani tsopano inu mumaona ngati mwabisala koma ayi. Akaziwatu amakhala akukukambani koopsya mpaka zamukabudula. Ndinakakuuzani koma to aoid embarassment. Live a low life please
ReplyDeletezoti abambowo amakonda akazi ndiye chione. ndipo anyenga and please dont trust him with your women. Chrissie Phiri ndiye amudya osati masewera mpaka amabwetuka kwa anthu nthawi zonse za bambo ameneyu. Kuti palibe chomwe amapanga in bed, ali ndi yaying'ono ngati mwana wa zaka folo. anasala pang'ono kumugulira galimoto, ngongole amangomupangira approve enawa ma promotion. zachisoni.
ReplyDeleteMr Pat and akazi onse omwe akunyengedwa ndi bambowa ku office kwao. Samalilani ntchito , komanso bambo inu pat, akazi onsewa ndi a chani mpaka four girlfriends at the same office why? These ladies are after promotions i know. why sale your bodies? bambi zilemekezeni. ndithu there is no smoke without fire. mboni ndine amachitadi ndi mbale wa nkungula ndithu. nawonso pansi pamtima akudziwa. hule lamamuna ndilimenli
ReplyDeleteYour story is not objective. Osamangolemba ayi. Kumakhala ndi mfundo. Muzilemba zoti ma intellectuals must not question your intergrity. Give us facts. Half baked journos. Munali ku college yake iti?
ReplyDeleteNAME ME ONE BANK CEO IN MALAWI who does not screw around, name me ONE! This is not an issue, sounds more like sour grapes on the part of Augustine Chithenga whose credentials keep being fluanted disporpostaionately in this " article". I would not be surprised if he wrote it himself.
ReplyDeleteAs long as George is performing to the expectations of the Board and delivering the promised returns to the shareholders, what he does in his spare time is his business. Malawians kukonda nkhani! get over your selves!
it seems like George is responding himself. Why are you angry? The point is that he is screwing with these ladies using power.who can say no to him? he promises promotion and the like? I think this is George. Usakwiye ayi. What is being written here is the truth of himself, what he does. Had it been that he has a relationship outside fine! but how many women same organization? This is abuse sure! power? he should change at least. this is not about jealous but what he does.maybe alakwa ndi oti pantsa news imeneyi akanangokambapo za contract zawozo but they have gone personal. Sorry George you will come over it.
ReplyDeletePlease chonde asiyeni. Komano langizo, izi ndiye ndinamvadi kuti bambo ameneyu kukonda kuvulira azimayi kwambiri ndipo ndizoona. Ndadaula kuti akuyalutsidwa chonchi. Abale tiyeni tizisiye nkhanizi
ReplyDeleteKunyenga ndi nkhani??!! When people brought a prostitute before Jesus for stoning, Ambuye Yesu anati, 'amene asanachimwepo ayambe kuponya mwala...' M'modzi ndi m'modzi makosana anayamba kuthawa chifukwa onsewo anali atagona naye mkazi yemweyo! Msanje bwanji aMalawi?
ReplyDeleteAugustine is too pompous therefore deserves this kind of treatment. He should really go back to the drawing board and reflect. However, those who can help him get another job quickly as he will now go into it a changed man.
ReplyDeleteWhat purpose does this story serve us. The benefit, for who? for what? The question is whether Mr Patridge is a competent banker or not. As for the fired GM, you just showed your ignorance at how big corporations like NBank operate. There are disciplinary procedures to be followed and the Board of Directors are involved.
ReplyDeletePlease write sensible stories. This was my first time on this blog via a link from a friend. Happy to say I will not be returning!!
Who doesnt know that even Augustine Chithenga has several girlfriends. Unfortunately he screws even bargirls of Lunzu. When Road House was still hot go and ask people what he was doing there!!!! Its only now that he is atleast going out with his wife, once in a while. Apa chakula please dont go personal on this issue. Tiwuzeni chatsisa dzaye kuti njovu itchoke nyanga. Kodi ananena kuti Chithenga adzafera pa NB!!! I doubt you digest and afterall the decision is not only for Patridge but its the whole board, why hate him so much!!!! Please be constructive in your stories1!!
ReplyDeleteWhilst I appreciate that descisions to sack senior management like GMs has to be endorsed by the board, It is a well known fact that a CEO can play a very big role in the hiring or firing of his deputy like Chithenga.
ReplyDeleteWhilst, the board has a final say, they also listen to the man who has been working with that particular individual on daily basis. Let somebody say no to this.
That's why CEOs recommend to the board to promote so and so and give justifications or fire so and so for such such a reason. The board listens to the CEO because he or she is the person who runs the business on daily basis.
So reports from the NB board suggest that Partridge had a great hand in the sacking of Chithenga.
Sindikufuna kuulula zambiri because I work in the same NB, Victoria avenue ndiye nane ndikuopa kuchotsedwa.
Nanga tikati a Partridge amapitanso ku National Bank Training Centre ku Moneymen ndi ma girl friends nkumakagona nawo mma room akumeneko, munenanso kuti tikuwachitira nsanje a bwana athuwa?
This story is more than this and Malawi Digest yangotakasula pang'ono the tip of the ice berg.
Ziliko kuno.
We want to know what really made the board or the ceo to recommend to the board what chithenga did. We have nothing to do with ceo or chithenga's private life. The issue here is about the non-renewal of the contract for chithenga. Kaya amapita ku bar, kaya ku roadside kaya ku moneymen, izo ndi zanu. Tiuzeni. chithenga amakhoza ntchito kapena ai. Komanso chimene chinachitisa kuti contract ilephereke ndi chiani?? Inu kaya mumagwira ku NB kaya kuti, ife tilibe nazo ntchito. Akufunsani kale kuyambila pa 5 august kuti chinatsitsa dzaye kuti mnjobvu ithyoke mnyanga ndi chiani?
ReplyDeleteApa bvomerezani kuti nsanje ndiye yakula, komanso inuyi mwina ndi gulu la PhD (Pull Him Down) amene mumachita zinthu zoti mupangitse bwana kukhala woyipa. Bambo kaya ndinu mayi, go back to the drawing board and sakatulani kuti zonsezi zituluke chifukwa choti m'modzi contract yatha ndi chiani? Nkhani zoterezi ngati pali zobvuta zimafunika kuti zizinenedwa pali zabwino-bwino. Mwaona anthu m'mene akulankhulilamu. Zikuoneka kuti simumafunila anzanu zabwino.
Mukakhale ndi weekend yabwino, komanso a chithenga moyou wawo ukuyenela kulingalira bwino za nkhani zimenezi chifukwa zikuoneka ngati inside info yaku NBM, koma yatuluka chifukwa choti ntchito yabvuta.
A digest pitilizani ndi utolankhani, koma report nkhani zothyakuka kuti anthu aziwona kumene ikulowera. Apa ndi personal attack ya CEO imeneyi, komanso ndiye kuti munthu amene akuchita report anali close. Mpakana kudziwa za munsalu. Koma ziliko zedi.
A Malawi yakula ndi nsanje. Munthu waudindo ngati iyeyo sangatenge zaka akuchita chigololo osagwidwa. Chonde tiyeni tisinthe mkhalidwe oononga mbiri za azathu. A Malawi ophunzira asatithawe chifukwa cha mukhalidwe wa nsanje.
ReplyDeleteNkhani apa ndi ziwiri.Power relations and womanising. Separate matters when reporting.
ReplyDeleteAs for the latter, but why blame women in giving what Patridge wants. he wants to screw let him do so, its a give and take situation i pity those who do that inside wedlock, more especially Mr. I consider this gross and I know God will punish; who are we to judge. But if one is doing it outside those matrimonial vows then walaa ladies not to blame but God is watching. Che Patridgewo should think of his conscious and even mulalate wachake ngwachake adzamva nkhwangwa iri mmutu not that i have evidence that he screws anyway.
Ikakhala ntchito ya ababa enawo God is watching if fairness was excirsed then who are to complain. Jobs are not only about profits, HRM people lecture us. Some contracts are conditional mudachiwona chipepala chomwe adasainira iwowo mmene ankayamba ntchito kuti muchuluke nzeru pano. Do you know the conditions.
God bless MALAWI, I hate the hatred people have inside them heyiiiiiii
A Chitenga amadziwa kuti akuchoka poti akhala akupita ku ma interview kwina ndi kwina. Kutha contract si nkhani. Apeza ntchito ina poti ndi ophunzira. Ma pulezidenti amachoka contract ikatha ( Mbeki, a Tcheya, chissano)muwafunse.
ReplyDeleteKoma kodi ku NB si kuli ma Mrs MP awiri - Mnessa ndi Kachere? Tinmasuleni odziwanu poti Machinga ilinso ku Eastern Region osati South.
Bambo Chithenga PEPANI. Zinthu zavuta basi, just be a man about it... Komabe musiye matama. Ntchito ndi mumtengodi eti.
ReplyDeleteAkulu akulu, having read the Malawi Digest Story and comments made by various people about George Patridge, I can only conclude that umphawi ndi jelousy ndi zomwe zikukupangitsani kulemba zopusa ngati izi. Have you people got nothing better to write about or do other than destroying somebody's reputation the way you have done?
ReplyDeleteI grew up with George, went to school with George and he is not what you people are writing about. Whether you like it or not, I want you all to know this that George is a very intelligent or smart guy who knows his job and he is not at all too cheap to live the kind of life that most of you have written about him. Please, do not destroy the young man's reputation and family, let alone his job. Remember God cannot and will not bless you by destroying other people's lives the way you are doing to George.
If you fear God, I do believe the spirit of our Lord Jesus, will convict you and you will find it appropriate and graceful to apologise to George for deliberately destroying him in this manner. Let us report about things that will benefit the Nation of Malawi and stop behaving like headless chickens.
FM - Bradford, England.
If you read our National Anthem
ReplyDeleteit says : Mulungu dalitsani Malawi
Musunge mtendere
Gonjetsani adani onse
Njala, nthenda, nsanje
(hunger) (disease) (envy).
So I'm not surprised that some Malawians are still under the yoke of these three enemies of Malawi. NSANJE! NSAJE! NSANJE! A AMALAWI! MUDZASIYA LITI!
Mr George Partridge was one of the very fine directors when he and me were working at the Reserve Bank of Malawi. Mr Matthews Padzuwa Chikaonda was our highly principled central bank Governor in the history of the RBM in Malawi.
I dont think Chikaonda would be stupid enough to lsiten to MBUZI ZA ZODWALA MATENDA A NSANJE to suck Mr George Partridge from the office of CEO of the National Bank of malawi.
John Laws
Cambridge, United Kingdom.
Iwenso John Laws ndiwe mbuzi.Ukuwona ngati kukhala ku UK ndiwe dolo.Si inu anthu amene mukukolopa kumeneko pamene ife tikunjoya pa Malawi driving nice cars and doing white collar jobs in the process developing Malawi.
ReplyDeleteNhkani ili apa anthu sakuti Patridge achotsedwe nthchito ai.Nkhani yake ndi ya chigololo yomwe ndiyolakwika kwambiri ngakhale iweyo i hope suchita zimenezo.
Adakusankha kuti uzimuyankhulira iyeyo ndi ndani?
Apa palibe nsanje uzingotsuka zimbudzizo kumeneko.
I CAN SEE IN YOUR WRITINGS KUTI NZERU ULIBE OR PANG'ONO.He is not the first Chief for NBM.He will still go and if you dont know NBM is for press,People of Malawi and Old Mutual its not his own property!
Zisanga Kaniche,Chipoka.
Sure! you are driving nice cars, koma ndalama zake ndi zakubazi- katangale- selling people's private parts.
ReplyDeleteDo you think ali yense ali ku UK ndi wokolopa zimbudzi? chabwino ndibwino kuti ndizikolopa zimbudzi, than to boast ndi NDALAMA ZAKUBA.
I agree with John Laws. Ma nice cars mukugulira ndi ndalama zakubzi mmalo moti zigule mankhwala mchipatala... inu a Zisanga Kaniche mukuba ndi kukagulira nice cars! CHITANI MANYAZI ODALA
ReplyDeleteI'm in the UK too, have PhD in development Economics, and doing a prestigious job.
Brian Mwambo- Manchester, United Kingdom
Na you too FM Bradford England, Biko na this old papa you de say, people go no spoil the young man's reputation and his family? Na weting de talk? Does he look like a young man to you? Nawawooooooooooo! The point is let him change his bad behaviour period!!!!!!!!!! These are not the days.
ReplyDeleteKodi iwe Laws ukuwona ngati sindikukudziwa?Ine sindiba ndinali pa CHANCO did Bachelor of Social Science 1999 to 2004.
ReplyDeleteWas in uk to do my Masters in computer science in 2007 and i know you A-z.You were just a mere clerk at RBM.
Ukapanga masewera uyaluka keep quiet before i reveal that since you have been in UK you havent got any qualification worth to mention.Everyone know you that you are a liar.You even fail to run your family and your wife run away from you because........
Not everyone in Malawi amaba.
I know as a computer scentist where you are writing from,including sever number of the computer you are using.You are the same person writing from Cambridge but you want to lie that you are in Manchester.
Becareful with people dont take this Malawi Digest as a place where you will be boosting about the papers you dont even have.
ReplyDeleteinu ndinu munthu wamiseche kwambiri. How did you know kuti my friend Laws had left his family, that his wife had run away from him? How did you know kuti he has no qualification since has been in the UK?
There are many Malawians who have highr qualifications in computer science than you claim to be.Yet akuyendera magalimoto chabe.
However, the point is..... if you had something to say about Mr George Partridge, you would have lodged a complaint to his employers.... Not castigating him here.... Be careful about these stories, because you might end up being sued by Mr Partridge himself.He has the money.
If you are in doubt about my PhD. Give me your phone numbers in Malawi, and will confirm this to you.Don't blame my friend Laws. He has no PhD,but I do have one.
Brian Mwambo,PhD.
Manchester, United Kingdom
Mr. Kaniche, you call Bachelor of Social Science, a qualification to be bragging about on this discussion forum? That is absolutely rubbish, kuli anthu ophunzira kudziko kuno. I think you need to travel to know what it means to be highly educated. Musatukwane nawo anthu ka degree kapa CHANCO. You are just showing umbuli wanu because you are using very obscene language. Munthu ophunzira watches what he says with his mouth. You have a foul mouth and I doubt if you are a christian. Ngati muli ndi mpingo ndiye uyenera kukhala wa Nyau (Gule wamkulu). Lets be civilised and choose the right words when addressing each other on this paper.
ReplyDeleteI do not appreciate (and I am sure most people do not appreciate) the language that you are using to describe John Laws and Mr. Patridge. You are getting too personal and I think this matter should be closed now and let us focus on other issues which are conducive to the development of the nation.
Dr.AM (Leeds Teaching Hospitals)
Hey,I still maintain my stand on Laws.He is the same person writing from the same area according to my experience and expertise and if i start responding to imaginary people i will be like a mad man.I even know that Laws is his first name only that akudula dzinalo.Ndiulule?
ReplyDeleteTo remind you,ive travelled and stayed their in UK for my Masters.Ive travelled almost in all countries in Europe on duty apart from Poland ndiye you are disguising as someone from Leeds Teaching Hosp.Ukutaya nthawi.
Back to the subject under discussion,why should you blame Malawi Digest for someone who is doing chigololo?Dont you know that people do that in their own time and you come here and start saying that akunamiziridwa ndi nsanje imeneyo?Munthu akhoza kumabaya mahule ali mnzako iwe osadziwa kenako umangodabwa munthu akusosoka,then why should you come on the forum like this ndikumatsutsa?
Moreover you are in UK how can you see that mkulu ali mu nkhaniyo sapanga zovula akazi a eni ndi ana ang'ono?Mutu wanu uli bwino Bambo?
For your information,the role of Media is to inform ,educate,entertain and it also acts as the watchdog for the public so there is nothing wrong Malawi Digest did.A proper news item also answers five W's thus What?When?Where?Who?and Why?I hope you have learned two or three things here now.
So if someone is using his position to sleep with female employees thats abuse of his position and you with your MSCE you got from DEC and six senses you say thats nsanje!I hope you still remember wa ku Malswich adachotsedwa uja.Ndi zolakwika zimenezo and thats why azunguwo kumeneko if you cheat ,basi ukwati umavuta!Remember all people in authority are supposed to be role models to the young girls and boys the same way you are regarded by your friends here in Malawi.
Finaly i cant share my phone with you as i dont think a normal person can display his or her mobile on the forum like this but if you dont mind write yours and i will call you immediately but i dont think you have the brains to discuss anything with you as i've nothing with you and the so called prostitute.
Zokasumazo pitani ku Court am not afraid!
I will be there in UK in December for my Wife's graduation at Oxford i hope to travel to Cambridge to see you!No more comments from me!
If you are saying that you are a computer expert... check the server which Dr. AM is using and Brian Mwambo is used yersterday. Why should I be changing names?
ReplyDeleteYou might have gossiped about me by telephone your gossippers at RBM. Who told you lies!
I have told you the truth!
Once again, check this server and that of Dr. AM. WHY ARE REFUSING TO RESPOND TO DR AM?
By the way, when people chose to be anonymous, and you decides to reveal their identities, BE CAREFUL THAT YOU DON'T BREAK THE LAW . I MUST WARN YOU. You are taking these things too personal. yET YOU CALL YOURSELF AN IT EXPERT!
ReplyDeleteMany people have told you to leave Mr George Partridge alone. It is wisdon, his intelligence and his money, his world, his happiness and freedom! PLEASE LEAVE MR GEORGE PARTRIDGE ALONE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Magola ndowokongola. Some of you are writing out of envy that Patridge is having access. Why not try your luck, she might be generous to you also (assuming the story is true
ReplyDeletei agree magola ndi wokongola. ndani wa inu atapezeka kuti ali awriwiri ndi iyeyo and she is asking for it, angathe kukana?
ReplyDeleteDont just fabricate stories, have evidence
Dont despise DECs. some of us went to the university from a DEC and it is something we are proud of. It is very painful that some go to govt or very good pvt secondary schools and fail to make it to the university or even jump carefully. shame on you
ReplyDeletethis woman is hot, even myself i cannot spare her given the opportunity. so what is your problem
ReplyDeletetell us more sex scandals they offer a break from daily office stressm and they sell just imagine the comments made over this artile. and please mention names so that we know you are genuine and the culp[rits dont have anywhere to hide
ReplyDeleteThis is absolute rubbish- not only the story but even the calibre of writing. First time on this site and definitely my last!
ReplyDeletehehehehehede koma mwanditayira nthawi, I have managed to read all the rubbish and gabbage writen here. one thing is clear, somebody is going to change the way he goes about doing things. and as for you Drs and poshy cars pusher, i have one thing to say, respect things that belong to many, what i mean is mukamanyoza BSoc kapena DEC you offend more people than you intend. if you are decent enough you will apologise. me too it was my first time here.
ReplyDeleteyou read the rubbish because you were interested and captivated. do you mean you realised that it is rubbish after reading? Just wait another sex scandal is coming and you will enjoy the reading
ReplyDeleteMwaona, mwamutayisa mzanu Mwanamveka ntchito kumaona ngati kutu Patridge can be considered. mwangosokoneza mabanja a wanthu. I hope you will combine forces with nysatimes to dig into Ligoya;s past so that he misses it too or gets initiated. we are only seeing prasies. does that ,mean that ligoya is clean?
ReplyDeletemumamufuna magola? kamufunsirenu muwone ngati angakuloelni. you think she is as weak as some of the women you go out with? She is decent
ReplyDeleteMr Ziba ndi Mr Malopa ndinu oyipa kwambili. Yu do not want anyone from the centre to hold a high post, for that reason , i commend bingu to bring in more and more quotas
ReplyDeleteThe article on Mr.Patrdge's alleged undisciplined zip (or is it unbecoming sexual behaviour?)and his hostile/rough leadership style to his subordinates at NBM is quite informative and, admittedly,a good piece of writing linguistically: the article admirably exudes sacculent linguistic competence. I believe, sometimes, it is not entirely wrong to give the devil his due, Ladies and Gentlemen. However, from the article, we may not really know exactly whether what is written about Mr.Patridge is true or not,save those who are close to him and/or work with him. We can only be unpleasantly perplexed with the alleged sordid propensity of the infamous protagonist,Mr.Patridge. To this end, I feel it is not proper to start pointing accussing fingers at the writer of the article for something we are not sure of nor back up Mr.Patridge for doing the alleged bads that are written about him. Let Mr.Patridge, himself, come in the open and argue his case objectively in this forum. I may not like some of the philosophies embraced and championed by Mr.Bright Malopa;but,I must confess here, I like his objective sober responses to the negative articles written about him no matter how hot and wild the allegations about him may be. To this end, I would like say this: if all that is written about Mr.Patridge is true, I feel sorry for him and advise him to change his alleged bad behaviour. We cannot continue living like this as God's children!
ReplyDeletesome bosses are just two bad. mumaofesi mukuchitika zonyasa. just imagine screwing somebody's wife five times a week when the owner only has access at most two times a week. in a year it will be the boss having 250 times while the husband has 52 times. this is bad
ReplyDeletewhere are you on MBC scandals
ReplyDeletekodi anthuwa amaknganilana magolayo kapena pali zifukwa zina. If true this is bad. How can people qquerrel and sack each other over access to somebody's wife? shame
ReplyDeleteminister wapeleka mimba kwa mkazi wa mwiniwake mukuti chiyani?
ReplyDeleteGeorge Patridge and Nkungula both come from Lunzu and Chileka areas in Blantyre respectively. No wonder they behave alike.
ReplyDeleteEven amene amapanga sewero la Tikuferanji they have dirty hands too.
ReplyDeleteKodi Nkungula m'nyamata wa nipule nipule alipo??Mundiperekele moni mukamuwona.So they are siblings ndi bwana Patridge.
ReplyDeleteMuwululeni Minister he should face a sack.Afterall,suyika dzina apa.Tamulani dzina lake Chitute.
ReplyDeletethe person who wrote this is utterly pathetic and if he cant make it in proper media doing REAL research like proper journalists, then these lies wouldnt be posted. this is basically you posting this cause you are jealous. Point Blank dick head. Get a life.